Oh boy, are you guys in for a treat! I'm so excited to finally introduce you to our newest collection, CRYSTALSCAPE! These pieces are stunning on and off the body. I was inspired to make jewellery based around the earth's most precious minerals, but wanted to create the look without using the actual crystal in the jewellery. I was surprised to see that some of the bigger pieces actually turned out looking like little cities, hence the name CRYSTALSCAPE! These pieces will be available to purchase at some of our locations, but will be available at the upcoming One of a Kind Show in Toronto. This show is 11 days, and we'll be partaking for the entire duration of the show. We have a new booth...pics to come soon, and lots of new goodies as well! I'll be putting together gift ideas for you all, as the holiday season approaches. I do not want to bombard you all with that, as I also cannot believe that it is October already! I have so much to do, and I'm working as quickly as possible to get stores filled and inventory ready! Speaking of which, it's time to hit the bench again. NO. SLEEP. TILL. DECEMBER 7TH!!! I like the Beastie Boys version a lot better, but this will do. Have a warm Sunday all!!! xx WFD
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